Everybody has a home at Old Mission Santa Barbara. Explore our different membership opportunities below and find where you belong!
Friends of the Mission
Become a Friend of the Mission today by joining our annual membership program that supports the Mission. With both general and philanthropic membership levels, this is great for individuals and families alike. Our Friends of the Mission membership program is perfect for anyone looking to support the Mission - to those who visit the Mission often when family and friends are in town to couples that enjoy attending special speaker events.
Benefits include: Unlimited access to the Mission Museum and self-guided tours, discount in the gift shop, guest passes, and invitations to member-only events.
Mission Legacy Society
Leave your legacy at Old Mission Santa Barbara by joining the 1786 Society. Our legacy society allows you to merge your legacy with Old Mission Santa Barbara’s through a planned gift. It’s a wonderful way to support the Old Mission that can cost you nothing during your lifetime, provide significant tax savings, provide a monthly income during your lifetime, and create a personal legacy that can continue to pass on your values to future generations.
Benefits include: Annual 1786 Society dinner, recognition in annual report, and invitation to VIP events.
Patrons of the Arts - Coming Soon!
Our Patrons of the Arts is membership program that is perfect for those who want to support Old Mission and appreciate the arts. The Patrons of the Arts program believe in the power of the arts to inspire, elevate, and reveal the human spirit. Our mission is to restore and promote the artistic patrimony of the “Queen of the Missions,” while gathering together in communal celebration of beauty.
Benefits include: Exclusive updates on behind-the-scenes art conservation, unlimited access to the Mission Museum and self-guided tours, discount in gift shop, annual trips and speaker events.
For any questions regarding membership opportunities please contact development@sboldmission.org or call 805.682.4713 ext. 222.